HOBO Conductivity Logger for Freshwater
High-accuracy, cost-effective water quality data logger for measuring conductivity and temperature in streams, lakes, and other freshwater sources. Ideal for monitoring aquifers for saltwater intrusion and road and agricultural runoff. Easy to deploy and maintain, features include a non-contact sensor to minimize drift-related measurement errors, open access to the sensor for cleaning, and the HOBOware Pro software enables start/end-point calibration to compensate for any fouling and provides easy conversion to specific conductance and salinity using the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78). USB optical interface provides high-speed, reliable data offload in wet environments. Compatible with the HOBO Waterproof Shuttle for easy and reliable data retrieval and transport. Memory: 18,500 temperature and conductivity measurements when using one conductivity range; 14,400 sets of measurements when using both conductivity ranges (64kbytes). Sample rate: 1 second to 18 hrs, fixed or multiple-rate sampling with up to 8 user-defined sampling intervals. Battery life: 3 years (@ 1 min logging). Maximum Depth: 70 m (225’). Operating Range: -2 to 36°C (28° to 97°F) - non freezing. Weight: 6.82 oz.; buoyancy in freshwater: -2.11 oz. Size: 1.25” diameter x 6.5”, 1/4” hole.