Solinst Model 107 TLC Meter, 500’
Ideal for profiling conductivity and temperature in wells and open water as well as salt-water intrusion investigations. Accurate conductivity and temperature measurements are shown on a rotating LCD display on the face of the reel for easy reading at a glance. A “smart” conductivity sensor with platinum electrodes reads conductivity from 0 to 80,000µS/cm, accurate to 5% of the reading or 100µS (whichever is greater). The probe automatically adjusts measured conductivity values to display as specific conductance and thus provide standardized, repeatable, comparable measurements. Temperature is displayed in °C or °F. Water level and probe depth measurements are read from the PVDF flat tape which is laser marked every 1/100 ft., Certified Traceable to National Standards. A buzzer is activated when the zero point of the probe enters the water and again when the meter is withdrawn from the water. The durable PVDF flat tape reels smoothly, remains flexible, and hangs straight in the well no matter what the temperature is. A tape guide/datum is included for use when profiling a well to protect the tape and allow the depth measurement to be read at the marked position on the tape guide. The menu-driven display is easy to navigate, and the meter automatically shuts off after 8 minutes to preserve battery power. One 9V alkaline battery has a battery life of 90 hours. Carrying case included.