Timber Tools Software
Data entry is simple. To get started, just choose either calculations of total volume by species or point sampling calculations of species volume per acre. Then, click on a region of the country and a species. Species links provide the average form class for a region for a particular species. You can even define your own form class. Once you enter the number of trees in each dbh/height category, volumes are updated automatically in Doyle, Scribner, and International log rules (with International and Maine rules for spruce and fir). Point sampling calculations are made in much the same way, with you providing the number of sample points and basal area factor (BAF) used. Timber Tools even allows you to enter data in one-inch DBH intervals for ten different form classes. In addition, volumes for new tree heights (1/2, 3/4, 1-1/4, and 1-3/4 logs) are also included. Requires Windows Vista, 95, 98, or NT and Microsoft Excel (version 97 or higher).