Pastora Herbicide, 20 oz.
20 oz.
Features broad-spectrum grass and broadleaf weed control to help maintain weed-free bermudagrass in pastures and rights-of-way. In pastures, Pastora controls field sandbur, barnyardgrass, johnsongrass, common broomweed, bitter sneezeweed, musk thistle, buttercup, woolly croton and more. In rights of way, Pastora delivers broad-spectrum control of johnsongrass, vaseygrass, ryegrass, marestail, pigweed, woolly croton, curly dock, morningglory and more. Apply 1.0 to 1.5 ounces product per acre. Always use a spray adjuvant unless otherwise directed on the product label. May be applied by ground or air. There are no grazing or haying restrictions for Pastora.