BioNutrients Soluble 8-0-9 Soil Conditioner, 8 oz. Pack
This 100% organic biostimulant and soil conditioner formulation provides an extra boost to warm- and cool-season turfs. The dry soluble concentrate can be used on fairway grasses and sports turf as well as for lawn care and hydroseeding applications. Three species of rhizosphere bacillus together produce four effective enzymes that work in a wide range of temperatures (38°F to 130°F). Wild cultures of yeast allow beneficial microbes to colonize the soil and enhance root growth. In addition, a natural wetting agent derived from Yucca draws the formula into even the most difficult soils. L-amino acids, humic acids, kelp extracts, and other carbon-rich molecules then work to sustain microbial activity. BioNutrients quickly dissolves in water and can be tank-mixed with most pesticides, fertilizers, and micronutrients. Apply monthly throughout the growing season for regular turf maintenance. Also recommended for overseeded, hydroseeded, or newly seeded sods. An 8 oz. package will cover one acre of turf.