Forestry Suppliers Logger’s First Aid Kits, Plastic Case
These kits contain first aid supplies adequate for small logging work sites consisting of approximately two or three employees. Each kit includes the following: ten 4” x 4” gauze pads; two 8” x 10” gauze compresses; 16 adhesive bandages; two 2” wide rolls of gauze bandage; two triangular bandages; 10 antiseptic towelettes; scissors; two rescue blankets; tweezers; one roll of adhesive tape; latex gloves; one CPR mask; two elastic bandages; one tourniquet; 12 diphenhydramine Caps; splint; a pencil; and complete instructions for requesting emergency assistance. Kits are available in either a heavy-duty, metal case or an economical, plastic case. Both meet OSHA Standard 1910.266 Appendix A and USFS specifications.