WATERMARK Monitor Model 900M
Conserve water, energy and reduce leaching of applied nutrients with data gathered from the WATERMARK Monitor! This battery-operated data-logger automatically reads up to 8 WATERMARK sensors and allows you to set the frequency of readings. The Monitor mounts easily in the field and the sensors are placed in the root zone at depths where monitoring is desired. Real-time soil moisture readings can be viewed in the field with the press of a button. The WATERMARK Monitor includes an outdoor mount, a 9V battery, and 8 sensors (1 soil temperature and 7 WATERMARK). Optional soil moisture and soil temperature sensors are available. A free software download is available for use in programming the monitor and downloading the collected readings.<BR><BR>
<a href=/product_pages/WaterMark/setup_3.3.exe>Download WaterGraph 3.3 Software for 900M Data Loggers</a>