Fisher Model FX-3 Magnetic Probe
Also used by relic and treasure hunters to seek out buried objects far beyond the reach of ordinary metal detectors. Locates 1/2” pipe up to 3’ deep. The FX-3 is similar to other magnetic locators. It has two sensors which respond only to the magnetic field of ferromagnetic objects (iron and steel). It also has two very significant differences: the FX-3 is a “motion” detector. It responds only when it, or the target, is in motion. The FX-3 “nulls” over targets. As a target is approached, the output increases in volume and pitch then momentarily disappears as it passes over the target and picks up again beyond the target. Rugged, lightweight and economical the FX-3 features simple, one-knob operation, automatic battery check, built-in speaker, waterproof probe, recessed control panel, and advanced solid state electronics. 9V Battery and hard carrying case included.