CET Skeeter Pack 75 Gallon ATV Drop-In Skid Unit Fire Pump
75 Gallon
Designed for use on a small truck, ATV, trailer or boat, this unit can be used for flowing water and or foam on a structural fire, car fire, marine fire, wildfire, and confined spaces fires. Features include: a 75 gallon fully baffled polypropylene water tank, a 6.5hp twin impeller fire pump, a 1.5-gallon integrated fuel tank, a lighted control panel, a 1.5” tank to pump 1/4 turn ball valve, 1.5” and 1” service lines with cap and chain, multiple outlets manifold, stoke(s) basket area, open storage compartment, and an enclosed storage compartment. Pump Capacity: 70gpm at 10psi, 40gpm at 100psi, and 20gpm at 125psi.