Sawyer Permethrin Tick Repellent, 24 oz. Trigger Spray
Permethrin Premium Insect Repellent
An easy, convenient way to treat clothing and equipment for effective protection against mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects. When insects come in contact with fabric treated with permethrin, they are killed or knocked down. Provides up to 100% protection against biting insects when used with a Deet-containing skin repellent. Biodegradable, odorless, nonstaining, nonflammable, and nonirritating to skin. One 6 oz. can of spray treats 1 complete set of clothing (shirt & trousers = 1 set) or 1 mosquito net; one 12 oz. pump spray treats 2 sets of clothing; and one 24 oz. trigger spray treats 4 sets of clothing. Retreat after six washes.