Forest Mensuration, 5th Edition
Fifth Edition. By Bertram Husch, Thomas W. Beers, Mark J. Ducky, and John A. Kershaw, Jr. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016. Provides new, complete coverage of current measurement practices and technological applications that expand the role of forest mensuration to include monitoring forest resources. This integrated approach takes into account all the resources of a forest, including such nontimber vegetation parameters as regeneration, lesser vegetation, woody detritus, and carbon. The new edition includes new chapters that specifically address the integration of remotely sensed data in the forest inventory process, and inventory methods for dead and downed wood. One unifying theme, not only for traditional forestry but for the non-timber inventory and for remote sensing, is the use of covariates to make sampling more efficient and spatially explicit. Also includes applications of personal computers, GPS, GIS, key concepts of tree-stand parameters and principles, fundamental concepts of sampling methods, and English and metric units. Appendix and references. Hardcover. 632 pages.